net revenue

美 [net ˈrevənuː]英 [net ˈrevənjuː]
  • 净收入
net revenuenet revenue
  1. The results showed that three elements influenced the yield and net revenue .


  2. Net revenue at 360buy has soared from Rmb2.9bn in 2009 to Rmb21bn last year .


  3. According to cost-benefit analysis method , different entry mode brings different net revenue for the enterprises .


  4. Using net revenue , Fannie would have ranked a lowly No. 94 this year .


  5. Summary of estimates of net revenue by programme and programme component : estimates of net revenue ;


  6. Whether host country could obtain net revenue was determined by the initial condition and policy , especially by the market structure and supervisor frame in host service Industry .


  7. Principle of maximum social income require to estimate the revenue and cost of each project of government decision , then choose the one that has maximum net revenue .


  8. Goldman is arguably the most exposed : 80 % of its first-quarter net revenue came from trading and principal investments .


  9. Then analyzes the bias between expected net revenue and real net revenue of scientists , and the different revenue of scientists in the principal-agent chain .


  10. Bear , by contrast , reported a near 90 per cent drop to $ 118m in net revenue in its fixed income businesses .


  11. With the timing value of cash theory , the model supposes that the unlimited net revenue which can be used to pay off the debt increases steadily .


  12. Net revenue / gross revenue would be in the 15 % range , as opposed to the 30-40 % range that is currently enjoyed by the market .


  13. This paper addresses the socialist wage distrbution method from the perspective of net revenue distrbution system with cost deduction according to Marx 's definition of wages .


  14. In theory , investors could demand changes - they could insist that banks stop setting aside half their net revenue for compensation , a far higher share than in most industries .


  15. What is more , higher net revenue marks to the tune of over a billion dollars , plus lower credit costs and expenses , helped the bottom line .


  16. The existence and development of finance can increase the net revenue of firm by increasing firm 's financing amount and marginal efficiency of capital , and reducing firm 's financing cost .


  17. CHS would continue to make acquisitions of hospitals here and there , with net revenue for the year climbing 9.8 % to $ 10.2 billion after the third quarter .


  18. If the proof criterion 's marginal social revenue equated its marginal social cost , the social net revenue would reach its maximum , and the proof criterion would be most appropriate .


  19. Carnival , the market leader , said on March 9 it expected full-year net revenue yields down 2 to 4 per cent over last year as a result of the accident .


  20. The second one is the structure of tree species and the third class is the structure of age classes , their objectives are the maximum of total net revenue and of total timber yield respectively .


  21. This paper discussed the measurement of income inequality-Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient and analysed the changes in the distribution of farmer 's per capita net revenue since reform and opening up in China .


  22. Interplanting Water-melon-radish in young forest increased net revenue by 6 000 yuan , organic manure increased 37 . 5  ̄ 45t , shooting increased by 35 % .


  23. Moreover , according to the U. S laws and policies , the tax base of property income gained in this country is the interest or net revenue and , tax rates stay sort of high .


  24. A net revenue figure of $ 15 billion might be good if the figure for the corresponding period in the prior year was $ 10 billion , and might be bad compared to $ 20 billion .


  25. Volumes are growing . At NYSE Euronext , net revenue in derivatives trading ( and the clearing fees associated with it ) rose 34 per cent year-on-year in the latest quarter .


  26. Years experiments on cleaning , application of fertilizer , digging out rhizome shoot and winter shoot indicated that shoot yield , output value and net revenue increased respectively by 49.62 % , 57.95 % and 75.82 % .


  27. The partial derivatives of second order to the innovation time and spillover effect for the expected net revenue function were obtained to establish the partial derivative of first order for the correlation between the optimal innovation time and spillover coefficient .


  28. In the first half of this year , as other revenue streams evaporated because of write-downs , Lehman 's asset-management business held the fort , accounting for39 % of total net revenue .


  29. Compared with Ck , shoot yield . output value and net revenue of bamboo forest with coverage of rice chaff was respectively increased by 29.4 % , 270.3 % and 310.2 % . Input and output ratio reached 1:8 .


  30. If this is the case you 're probably better off reporting your " net " revenue .
